POSA™ Blog

PoSARC or The Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center educates, nurtures and helps partners work with the challenges of being coupled with a sexually deceptive, chronic cheater.

Welcome to our Survivor Series!

by Lili Bee and Cassie Kingan

The best part, the closest-to-our-heart part of having a website and blog like PoSARC is the abundance of personal e-mails we receive from partners who find us online or on Facebook and want to share news about what's going on in their relationships and how it's affecting their lives. While some are primarily looking for quick direction or help, many write in, needing a safe place to share their stories of heartbreak, confusion and also their eventual victories. They know we understand because we've been through betrayal trauma, too.  

Along with the many profoundly intimate, personal stories that are shared with us from those new to learning about their mate's sexual deceptions, often as the months and years pass by we also receive detailed updates from our readers, allowing us to witness how their stories evolve over time. It constantly amazes us just how many connections we have with women we've never even met (yet!), all over the world.

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An Authentically Partner-Trauma-Sensitive Voice Emerges for Women Struggling with Infidelity-Ravaged Relationships

Hello Readers~

Even though our last snowstorm in the northeast was just 6 weeks ago, the increasingly warm days are finally signaling Spring!

Here at PoSARC, we're in the midst of new changes, too. Over the past year, we have been steadily incorporating a more multi-sided perspective on what it takes for women to heal from betrayal trauma, or trauma incurred at the hands of the men commonly referred to as "sex addicts." We're speaking out more about the narcissistic traits like massive entitlement which underlie chronic infidelity, so women can begin to come out of shock and start to understand where these behaviors actually originate from. And we're walking away from models that claim to help but actually end up emboldening men (and even colludes with them) to maintain their "rights" to remain covertly abusive instead of calling them to account for their deceptive behaviors. We're writing more, too, about the treatment-induced trauma we hear about way too frequently from our clients who have been damaged while under the care of therapists/coaches/clergy utilizing the prevailing "sex addiction treatment model". 

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