By Lili Bee on Friday, 08 April 2016
Category: Latest News

Do Political Candidates Mirror Our Abusive Partners?

The 2016 United States Election year is well underway. The primaries are long and arduous and they began earlier than usual this year.

It's difficult not to cringe when certain political candidates (who shall not be named) reflexively manipulate, bully, deflect, insult and gas-light anyone blocking their path towards procuring votes and #hashtags of fame. We now unfortunately live in a world where charismatic men are often pardoned for being obnoxious and cruel to their colleagues, and even to those they claim to 'love'.

Please be aware, we are not targeting specific political positions taken by any one candidate; we respect everyone's right to choose here. What we are doing is identifying egregious behavior, language and personality features that, because of their familiarity to us, have the potential to be highly triggering of the post-traumatic stress disorder that so many partners live with.

A favorite mentor of PoSARC was recently quoted in a Vanity Fair article about one candidate running this year, "He's so classic that I'm archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there's no better example of his characteristics," said clinical psychologist Dr. George Simon, who conducts lectures and seminars on manipulative behavior. "Otherwise, I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He's like a dream come true."

POSAs (Partners of Sex Addicts) and other women who feel trapped in abusive relationships know the 'bullying' politician act all too well. A "sex addict" may not be a politician, but he sure knows how to run an 'image management' campaign around town and in relationship, at least until the POSA's tragic D-Day implodes his stage at home.

Many POSAs and abused women may find it difficult to watch these election year proceedings and we here at PoSARC honor that challenge many of us are up against. We realize that you know all too well how particular politicians (and relationship partners) can provoke and trigger, needing to win at all costs!

Please share with us the ways that you stay centered in the midst of gas lighting, manipulation, lies and betrayals-- We always love to hear from you!

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