Many of us today feel that we are witnessing the true underbelly of our country's deep misogyny, racism and bigotry. Many of us believe that we are indeed living in a good ole boy's club, much as we might have fantasized that we were actually living in a progressive melting pot.

Most importantly, many of us in the past months have felt that we are witnessing toxic masculinity at it's worst, something that every reader here has been exposed to in a most personal way- in their own relationships with men who engage in narcissistic sexual pursuits outside their primary commitments. NAMING it is an essential first step towards our healing.

Many women who have come in or written to us today are in utter despair. But it's important to remember:

We as women aren't going ANYWHERE.
If anything, we will use any divisiveness we encounter, any infringement on our rights as women, any reinforcement of the worst gender steels against which we will sharpen ourselves. There is much work ahead of us. 

Let's focus on what we can do to heal our deeply divided nation, no matter which side we stand on.

Yesterday I wrote about Dr. Ann Olivarius, an extraordinary attorney committed to legally defending the rights of those the pornography industry crushes.

Right afterward, I received much personal e-mail from women who were inspired to do something, to act on the belief that we are being chewed up by a hateful patriarchal mindset that encourages men to behave horribly without consequences.

We WILL act. Starting tomorrow, I will be posting a piece I'm working on tonight about how to work with grief, rage and shock trauma so you can use your emotions to help you do the important work you are here to do. So stay tuned…..

And as we like to say here: KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE

In Solidarity, Lili Bee
Founder, PoSARC 

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