By Lili Bee on Wednesday, 07 August 2013
Category: General

Jackson Katz: Violence against women-it's a men's issue

Since I tend to bring you news from the real world that isn't always the most uplifting as POSAs are concerned, here's something inspirational to add to the PoSARC mix:

This is a powerful video presentation by Jackson Katz, PhD whom I've been a big fan of since watching him speak in the excellent DVD documentary, Pornography: The Price of Pleasure. Hearing a heterosexual, married-with-kids, man speak out so eloquently and fiercely against pornography and it's egregious effects on society, I was an instant fan of his. So I was particularly thrilled to be able to find this video.

In this presentation, Dr. Katz touches on many important topics, but the one I'm mainly highlighting for our dedicated PoSARC readers is that of male leadership. Katz points out that adult males have an important responsibility in "the bystander model" of stopping the abuse of women and children. And if pornography and the sexual exploitation industries isn't about exploitation (thus, abuse) of women, even if it is the woman participating in her own exploitation by re-enactmenting her childhood trauma, or socio-economic disparities, etc. then I don't know what is. Pornography is one of the most insidious forms of abuse especially as it is now rampant to the point of having been rendered invisible as a form of abuse. That ubiquitousness allows for instant absorption of porn's deadly poisons directly into the collective mindset of the global culture.

Katz also makes the point that for every male that abuses women (in that form or any other), it is also his sons and daughters he is damaging, not to mention the mother of those children. These are potent messages and depending on your partner, you can possibly share it with them, as well. Watch it first and see....and then watch it with your friends, colleagues and perhaps even older-aged teens. I invite your comments and perspectives below!

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